Legal information


ABTI Company

Legal structure: LLC

SIREN : 572 087 799
With a capital of 90 000 Euros
Intra-community VAT number: FR20 572 087 799

Registered office: 34 RUE ARAGO 92800 PUTEAUX
Telephone: 01 47 78 02 30

Legal representative: Eric Bonnefous
Director of publication: Eric Bonnefous


All the data on the pages of this site are the exclusive property of the translation company BILIS Traduction. Any reproduction, representation or distribution, in whole or in part, of the content of this site on any medium or by any process whatsoever is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the name “BILIS Traduction” or its logo, for any purpose whatsoever and in particular for advertising purposes without the prior written consent of BILIS Traduction.